Thursday, August 20, 2009

Real Small Art 2.0

The #1 FAQ from Real Small Artists is, “Where do I post?” The #2 is, “Will someone who will appreciate it find it?” Here's a solution involving outer space satellites and Tupperware.

Have you heard of geocaching?

Described by, it’s a high-tech treasure hunting game played throughout the world by adventure seekers equipped with GPS devices. There are 878,742 active geocaches in the world, including more than 100 within a 5 mile radius of my house. Freaky.

Described by me, imagine two dots displayed on a map: The red dot = you, green dot = a cache. You walk towards the green dot, you find a cache. Now imagine the cache contains art.

So, I tried it today. I wasn’t sure if I could actually find a cache, but this morning I took my kids to the same park, the same path, the same place we’ve visited at least three times this month… and there, we found our first cache. I put art in the cache, finders keepers. provides free accounts, maps and complete instructions here: If you visit the web site, type in your zip code and check out the secret stashes in your own backyard.

Let me know if you try it, if you have any questions or suggestions. I plan to continue documenting posted art and found art on the blog.


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